
nakedness in post, reader beware...

Remember my post about a thrifted & then felted angora sweater that I cut into pieces that would one day be sewn into a rabbit?  Well, I decided to start working on it over the weekend.  Here is how he turned out, but be warned, he is naked.

He is a boy, though not anatomically correct, but a boy none the less.  I have yet to name him and I do think he needs some trousers.  I did end up doing all the sewing by hand.  I gave him button eyes and an embroidered nose/mouth.  He is cute, but I already see room for improvement in the design.  I think he is a bit wide in the body, I'd like to thin him down a bit.  You'd think on a diet of primarily carrots and lettuce that a bunny wouldn't be so wide?!  Then again, he does have that vintage feel to him.  He looks like he has been loved for many years.  Speaking of which, oh my, when Miss J saw him, she cuddled him and wouldn't put him down.  I managed to sneak him away for a quick picture and he is now sitting in my office waiting to be clothed. 


  1. So cute!!
    I keep asking myself, WHEN does she have time to make all these things?
    But I know it's just about priorities and time management and I hate it whenever people say ... I just don't have time to _______. But if you have any tips on how you manage to get around to the fun job of creating ..... tell me, tell me!!!!!!

  2. First off it can't be time management because I have little kids and very little "time" to manage.
    Priorities might be a part of it. We don't have cable therefore I don't watch TV very much. We do settle into an episode or two of LHTP after dinner and so if I have a mobile project, I will work on it during a show. Ask my dh, I can never just sit and watch a show/movie, I have to keep my hands busy. Don't get me wrong either, we may not have cable but I love movies. I just don't necessarily like to "watch" them unless I am at a theatre. Instead when I sit down to do something crafty I like to have a movie on in the background. It's usually a movie I have seen tons of time and something with lots of dialogue. JFK is a good one for that. I think the dysfunction can be dated back to my ealier days when CBC radio used to play radio dramas. I loved "listening" to the old time mysteries.
    Another thing is I don't fuss with my house much. I try to maintain the chaos daily, at the very least the kitchen is clean, but I don't like house cleaning and if given the choice between spending time doing something crafty or spending time cleaning, well in goes the movie and out comes the craft :)
    The number one thing though is that I don't have any babies under 2 years and that means I have more time on my hands in the evening (no more evening or night nursing or diaper changes) and that means I am not as tired, which in turns means I am sleeping better which ultimately means I am not exhausted at the thought of doing a little project or something crafty.
    Hope that helps :)


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