Me too! Sorry, but we've been sick here in these parts. It all started with me, worked it's way through the line and has again, ended with me *sigh*, or perhaps it never really did leave me? In that case I've been feeling blah with occasional bouts of okay-ness mixed in while care giving 4 edgy children. As expected the reno work is at a standstill but there has been lots of this going on...
lovely, lovely Miski from the Mirasol collection, oh how soft you are. I wish that my pillow was as soft as you. You've been a wonderful companion.
I'll be doing more of this and maybe even some sewing this weekend... Yes, I finally found the box that has kept my sewing machine hostage for the past 4 months. I'm still looking for some tres important notions but I'm sure they will surface along with other missing items when I least expect it. For now I am almost a bit giddy about the my new-to-this-house, old friend that I will dust off and speak kindly too all weekend. Wish me luck and many productive moments *crossing fingers, toes & eyes..*
I really do need to knit at least one thing in my life.