Hello there. I thought I should return to this little space and begin my re-entry to blog land. The timing is still not quite right on the surface, so many things demand my attention at the moment, but in my heart I know it is time to write again.
Seasonally the air feels as though summer is passing. The pool is closed for the season and the cooler nights have set in. I don't know about you, but I love the coolness of fall at night time, the air conditioner is turned off, windows are open and cool air is chilling our bones while we sleep. Thank goodness for extra warm blankets!

Season changes aren't the easiest transition for me, but oh how I love fall. It's an instinctive relationship, I feel myself slowing down and spending just a few more hours indoors each day. My cooking becomes less grill based - our summer staple - and more slow and savoury. Two pots of our favourite homemade tomato and basil soup have been started and consumed over the past week. Next on the agenda: squash.
The leaves are changing colours and the call of the
B-meister to spend evenings by the fire pit with marshmallows, making smores, has begun. I'm sure it's instinctive for him as well. Just like his beloved geese, who have returned to our little lake and have begun their nightly chatter in unison. Their return is a reminder that all of nature, in our 4-season area, is getting prepared for those long cold days of white. But I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, instead let's live in the moment shall we?
Are you feeling the seasonal shift? How was your summer...or winter depending on where you live?